I feel relieved and at the same time strong because I know I can be in control. And I have learned an important life lesson, which is that I can provide the very best for others if I take care of myself first.
At the time my coaching with Meyken started, I was distraught. On the one hand I was a bit anxious because of my overly fanatic and unhealthy dieting behavior during my puberty. On the other hand because of the disbelief that I could lose weight. I didn't trust that, because my whole family is actually overweight, and because I really didn't eat that much.
I recently started doing CrossFit and occasionally had to hold back my tears during a workout, because I felt so empty and weak from not eating enough. Something really had to be done. My body felt too big, not like myself.
I told Meyken at our first meeting, in response to my target weight, that it would be great if only 1 kilo would go off. After a short analysis she gave me instructions for my daily eating pattern. All this time I had simply eaten too little and exhausted my body and mind. I had to eatmore, but with care.
My new eating habits also forced me to take a look at myself. I noticed that I was not at all used to taking care of myself, I mainly took good care of others. Now I had to think ahead every day how I could meet my new nutritional plan, despite all my work meetings and things to do for that day.
My 'first' conference weekend and a week of traveling abroad for work were no excuse. Meyken actually taught me to stand up for my own healthy eating habits, to keep taking care of myself even in hectic times and I learned to look for cottage cheese (Dutch kwark) in the Czech Republic and Spain. I even went to a conference with a cool box to make sure I always had my healthy food available.
The first 'dreaded' kilo went off very quickly. I really couldn't believe it. Especially because I had to eat so much. I knew right away that if necessary, this is a diet that I can easily stick to all my life.
During our coaching, attention has not only been paid to my dietary patterns and my snack / sugar addiction, but also to lifestyle, sleeping problems, the strange processes in my head and, for example, the effect of myage (51), hormones and menopause. This has taught me a lot about myself. Sometimes it seems as if Meyken knows everything. It is precisely her all-over knowledge that has to do with health that is of great importance.
When we started together I weighed 100.2 kilos, but I must honestly say, still with shame, that I have been a bit heavier before I stepped on Meyken’s scale. Now I am at 80 kilos. The metamorphosis is of course enormous. People regularly compliment me. But the most important thing for me is actually that I feel much healthier, lighter. Literally lighter so that I can go through my life lighter.I feel relieved and at the same time strong because I know I can be in control. I have become stronger with sports and of course also more flexible, which is wonderful!. And I have learned an important life lesson, which is that I can provide thevery best for others if I take care of myself first.
Meyken and I have not finished yet, I now have a real target weight, 75 kilos. And that I dare tohope and write that down, that is quite a lot.
Life-changing. What a journey!