CrossFit is purely about your own performance, and about becoming the best version of yourself. With lots of focus om performing the exercises safely and effectively. It is all about excellence of movement! I really feel like I'm doing healthy ageing!
Am I not too old for this? That was my first thought a few years ago when I was introduced to CrossFit. I was almost 65 years of age and at least 10 kilos overweight. I didn't manage to lose the weight in any way I tried. I needed to change and that's when CrossFit Eudokia came into the picture.
The logo at the door of the box said, ‘Healthy Ageing Academy’ and that was exactly what I wanted. To age as healthy as possible.
Now, I am joining the WODs twice a week. I never thought I would gain visible muscle mass. Even my belly is heading towards a sixpack! I've lost a lot of weight, thanks to exercise and lifestyle coaching by CrossFit Eudokia. And the best part: I'm having a lot of fun! Just having a blast twice a week, pushing my limits, and noticing that I am getting stronger and fitter. With muscle soreness on spots in my body I did not even know had muscles!
I also started Personal Training at CrossFit Eudokia, in cooperation with my medical specialist and physio therapist to work on my knee and hip issues I have had for years. Already in a few weeks time I made huge progress and experienced less pain in my knee and more strength in my legs!
Meyken is a fantastic coach who challenges you to go just a bit further than you thought you could. She also guards not pushing your limits too much. And if sometimes that does happen, she provides a modified program so you can keep training and keep growing, without making a slight injury worse. And if you want to recover a little bit there's the Mobility program on the weekends. So I really feel like I'm doing 'healthy ageing' 😊.
What I also find special: For me, CrossFit is purely about your own performance, about becoming the best version of yourself. Without competing with the other athletes at the box. With all the attention to perform exercises safely and carefully. Excellence of movement!