In 2018, The Dutch Health Council published new standards for vitamins and minerals for adults. What changed and what are the consequences for your daily nutrition?
New standards
In 2018, the dietary reference values for vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, calcium, iron, iodine, potassium and magnesium have been updated. These substances are essential for overall health, and among other things for energy supply and muscles functioning.
Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals are rare but can have (lasting) consequences in the long term. For example, a vitamin B1 deficiency can cause disorders of the nervous system and psychological symptoms such as depression and loss of concentration. And a calcium deficiency can increase the risk of fractures especially in elderly and postmenopausal women (Calcium supplement or dairy?)
What has changed?

Food matrix
It is not the intention to zoom in exclusively on one specific amended standard and, for example suddenly eat 1 extra banana because your dietary reference value for potassium has been increased. The point is that the sum of all the products you eat in a day provides the right amount of vitamins, minerals and calories. Vitamins and minerals can be found in many different products. Furthermore, nutritional substances interact and can enhance and reduce their effect, known as The Food Matrix. For example, coffee and spinach reduce the absorption of calcium.
Dietary supplements are unnecessary
Key is a wholesome diet with whole grtain products, lots of colorful vegetables and some fruit, nuts and seeds, lean animal based and/or plant based protein, optionally dairy, and unsaturated fats, in moderate amounts with lots of variety. In general, dietary supplements are unnecesarry and not without risk.
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