
Struggles to workout after holidays? Then don't!

Meyken Houppermans, PhD. CrossFit Level 3 Trainer
Founder and Head Coach
Do you find it hard to go back to the gym after the holidays? Then don’t!

Because why would you do something, pay money for something, and spend your time on something, that you obviously do not like?

You would also not keep eating that same disgusting meal every week over and over again, right?

Unless… there is something within you, that actually does like to go to the gym, or that thinks it is important for you to do. Why else did you start at some point?

-> Remind yourself of why you started in the first place to wake up your inner- athlete again. Say it out loud, or write it down.

-> Schedule your gym sessions like you would important work meetings, for 4 weeks in a row. Consider it an experiment in which every day is a new change to start over.

And after 4 weeks, if you still hate what you’re doing, you can always quit and try something else.

For more tips on how to develop healthy habits, read this article.

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