
What is a good vegetarian food choice?

Meyken Houppermans, PhD. CrossFit Level 3 Trainer.
Founder and Head Coach
A simple guideline to make vegetarian product choices easier.

It can be challenging to choose the right vegetarian product in the supermarket. The offer of vegetarian products is extensive and all food packages claim to be the best. We provide you a simple guideline to help you.

20 percent

Of the total calories of the product at least 20 percent needs to come from protein.  

0,8/ 0,06/ 0,24 miligrams

The product must contain over 0,8 milligrams iron, 0,06 milligrams vitamin B1 and 0,24 milligram vitamin B12 per 100 gram. to have sufficient nutritional value.

1 gram

The product must contain no more than 1 gram of salt per 100 gram of product.

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